In the mood for love | paper heart garland

In the mood for love | paper heart garland

In the mood for love // paper heart garland

a simple, pretty paper garland. 

what you’ll need:

pack of old papers / twine / glue dots 


Start by making a heart pattern. I drew half of a heart freehand on a post it note so that I could just stick it on to the paper while I cut out the hearts. 

tip: fold 2-4 papers and cut multiple hearts at one time. old paperie can be quite fragile so use your discretion.


With your heart cutouts, figure out how long you’d like your garland and cut a piece of twine or ribbon accordingly.

Place one heart cutout on a flat surface, place the twine on top & add a glue dot so that it lays on both the twine and the paper.
Place the second heart on top, making sure to match them up.

I placed bigger hearts every 2” and the smaller heart garland every inch & 1/2 or so. 

Layer your heart garland and hang! 

if you have extra paperie, you can roll them up into mini scrolls to display in a vase, cloche, on a tray or in a pretty bowl. 

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