Dolce Far Niente | Affogato

Dolce Far Niente | Affogato

Affogato / L’affogato al caffe / Gelato drowned in espresso / deliziosa!  

This is Italian magic, friends.  
Savoring spoonfuls of vanilla gelato in a pool of rich espresso, then sipping the sweet, creamy coffee — gahh — MAGIC. ✨ 
Listen — this is all you need:
Two ounces of espresso (if you don’t have an espresso maker, go grab one or two from your local barista) 
Pour over — 
1-2 scoops of vanilla gelato (or ice cream)
crushed ladyfingers for topping 
splash of amaretto 
whipped cream
grated dark chocolate 
I think we can agree that the best Affogato is simple.  Enjoy!  Xo

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